SFB 1192
The Research Training Group "Mechanisms of Immune-Mediated Tissue Injury" offers students a structured training program to improve both scientific and interdisciplinary competences.
In addition, the students will set up an individual coaching/mentoring committee to support the progress of the project by providing feedback and suggestions.
The following events are part of the Research Training Group:
Journal Club
The graduates meet regularly to present and discuss a key publication from their respective field of work. This way, the students learn to critically deal with scientific publications.
Lab meetings and guest lectures
The graduate students participate in the weekly lab meeting of the SFB 1192. In this meetings the current SFB projects and project progress are presented and discussed. In addition, regular external guest speakers are invited.
Seminars and courses
In different seminars and courses the students will gain further knowledge in the scientific work areas. These include, for example, the methodology seminar, where the most common methods in immunological research are presented, courses for dealing with research animals or statistics courses.
- Workshop "Good Scientific Practice"
This workshop teaches knowledge and rules of good scientific practice to reflect the own attitude and behaviour as a scientist. - Workshop "Microteaching"
In this workshop, students learn how to optimize their lectures and presentation techniques. This helps them to comprehensibly and clearly present their results. - Workshop "scientific writing"
Writing an appealing scientific abstract or summarizing the results in a scientific publication often presents a challenge for young researchers. This workshop supports the graduate students writing scientific English texts and avoiding pitfalls in the writing process.
Annual retreat
At the end of the academic year, there will be a joint retreat with the graduate students to present the current progress of the projects.