New high rank publication in Nature Nanotechnology
We are pleased to anounce a new publication in Nature Nanotechnology titeled "Expansion-enhanced super-resolution radial fluctuations enable nanoscale molecular profiling of pathology specimens" by Dominik Kylies and Victor Puelles (project A9).
New high rank publication in Science Translational Medicine
We are happy to anounce another important publication of project A1 with the title " CD4+ T cells produce GM-CSF and drive immune-mediated glomerular disease by licensing monocyte derived cells to produce MMP12" in Science Translational Medicine.
UKE celebrates the new building HCTI
New building for cutting-edge immunological and infectious diseases research: UKE celebrates topping-out ceremony
Franz Volhard Prize 2022 awarded to PD Dr. Elion Hoxha
Congratulations to PD Dr. Elion Hoxha who was awarded the Franz Volhard Prize 2022 at the DGfN anual meeting.
7th October - New Publications
We are delighted to announce that two new publications of the project group B1 got accepted.
2nd October - Lab Meeting
In our next lab meeting, Mr. Turner will talk about project A6 and "Mucosa-associated invariant T cells in immune-mediated glomerular diseases”.
Journal Club October
In our next journal club in October Ms. Marie Eggers (project B5) will present recent published articles. Feel free to join us on the 7th October at 9 a.m. in room 10 in Campus Forschung.
25th September - Lab Meeting
In the upcoming lab meeting of CRC 1192 Mr. Herrnstadt will present latest results of project A3. The title of the talk is as follows: "Function and effector mechanisms of biTregs.”
18th September - Lab Meeting
Ms. Meyer-Schwesinger will talk about "Glomerular cell Isolation Technique unravels proteome differences” in our next lab meeting.
10. - 13.9.2019 Immunology Conference
From 10th to 13th September there will be the second Joint Meeting of the German Societyfor Immunology (DGfl) and the Italian Society of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA) in Munich.
Journal Club September
In September we will have two journal clubs again. Mr. Kian Deheshwar will present the latest publications on 9th of September, followed by Ms. Tabea Bertram on the 23rd of September.
4th September- Guest Lecture
We are delighted to have Mr. Pierre-Louis Tharaux from Paris with us for our next CRC lab meeting. Mr. Tharaux will held a guest lecture about "Stress without Failure: towards promotion of glomerular tolerance to immune and hemodynamic injuries".
21st August - Guest Lecture
With the end of the summer break, our weekly lab meetings continue. We are happy that we have Prof. Rafael Kramann as a guest speaker with the following title: "Origin and heterogeneity of kidney fibrosis driving myofibroblasts".
Journal Club August
This month we will have two journal clubs. The first one will be held by Mr. Michael Zinke (Project A5) on the 12th August, followed by Miss Marlies Bode (Project B7) on the 26th of August.
6th August – New Publications
We are glad to announce new publications for this month. The research group of Prof. Steinmetz and Dr. Kluger (Project A3) got a new paper accepted by the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
Workshop „Good Scientific Practice“
PhD students of the research training group as well as candidates of the iPRIME program are able to learn good scientific practice in a 2-day workshop.
Journal Club July
With the start of July the Journal Club series continues. Shiwa Soukou (Project A05) will present the latest papers in nephology and immunology.
Sigrid Harendza is laureate for Hamburger Lehrpreis
The Hamburg Ministry for Science, Research and Equality (BWFG) awards the “Hamburger Lehrpreis” for outstanding and innovative teaching for the 11th time.
28th May - New Publications
We are happy to announce that two new articles with SFB-affiliation have been accepted by Autophagy and Kidney International.
22nd May - SFB Lab Meeting
In the second Lab Meeting this month Mr. Mittrücker and Mr. Reimers (both project A4) will talk about T-cells.
17th May - New Publications
In the upcoming weeks there will be two publications in Nature Communcations as well as in Frontiers Immunology.
8th May - Single Cell Omics Club
The Single Cell Omics Club is a forum for scientists who are working with Single Cell Sequencing. In a series of events recent research, results and methods are being discussed.
8th May - SFB Lab Meeting
The first lab meeting in May will be all about the new project B9 and will be presented by Mr. Puelles with the title: "Deciphering immune-epithelial interactions in crescentic glomerulonephritis".
3rd and 4th May | Hamburg Kidney Days
On the 3rd and 4th May there will be a conference “Kidney Days Hamburg” held for the first time as part of the “13. Hamburger Nephrologie Forum”.